After downloading population data, many analyses require that you have records not only of when/where species were detected, but also where they were not detected. While NatureCounts generally contains records of species presence, we can infer species absence when a species was not detected in a Sampling Event (unique SamplingEventIdentifier), provided that all species were reported for that Sampling Event (i.e. that AllSpeciesReported is “Yes”).

To make things simpler, we have included the format_zero_fill() function.

The following examples use the “testuser” user which is not available to you. You can quickly sign up for a free account of your own to access and play around with these examples. Simply replace testuser with your own username.


Download data

We’ll use the ‘core’ version of BMDE fields so that we include CommonName for convenience.

rc <- nc_data_dl(collections = "RCBIOTABASE", fields_set = "core",
                 species = c(252456, 252494, 252491),
                 username = "testuser", info = "nc_vignette")
## Using filters: collections (RCBIOTABASE); species (252456, 252494, 252491); fields_set (BMDE2.00)
## Collecting available records...
##    collection nrecords
## 1 RCBIOTABASE      349
## Total records: 349
## Downloading records for each collection:
##     Records 1 to 349 / 349

Initial Exploration

Let’s take a look at the butterfly species observations we have

count(rc, CommonName)
##          CommonName   n
## 1 Black Swallowtail  40
## 2           Monarch 215
## 3       Red Admiral  94

How many sampling events?

count(rc, SamplingEventIdentifier)
##     SamplingEventIdentifier   n
## 1       RCBIOTABASE-10008-1   1
## 2       RCBIOTABASE-10015-1   1
## 3       RCBIOTABASE-10030-1   1
## 4       RCBIOTABASE-10068-1   1
## 5       RCBIOTABASE-10070-1   1
## 6       RCBIOTABASE-10087-1   1
## 7       RCBIOTABASE-10093-1   2
## 8       RCBIOTABASE-10097-1   1
## 9       RCBIOTABASE-10104-1   1
## 10      RCBIOTABASE-10110-1   1
## 11      RCBIOTABASE-10112-1   1
## 12      RCBIOTABASE-10144-1   1
## 13      RCBIOTABASE-10146-1   1
## 14      RCBIOTABASE-10217-1   1
## 15      RCBIOTABASE-10224-1   1
## 16      RCBIOTABASE-10225-1   1
## 17      RCBIOTABASE-10236-1   1
## 18      RCBIOTABASE-10241-1   1
## 19      RCBIOTABASE-10249-1   1
## 20      RCBIOTABASE-10250-1   1
## 21      RCBIOTABASE-10258-1   1
## 22      RCBIOTABASE-10261-1   1
## 23      RCBIOTABASE-10263-1   1
## 24      RCBIOTABASE-10264-1   1
## 25      RCBIOTABASE-10279-1   1
## 26      RCBIOTABASE-10282-1   1
## 27      RCBIOTABASE-10283-1   1
## 28      RCBIOTABASE-10284-1   1
## 29      RCBIOTABASE-10286-1   3
## 30      RCBIOTABASE-10296-1   1
## 31      RCBIOTABASE-10297-1   1
## 32      RCBIOTABASE-10304-1   1
## 33      RCBIOTABASE-10305-1   2
## 34      RCBIOTABASE-10309-1   1
## 35      RCBIOTABASE-10310-1   1
## 36      RCBIOTABASE-10311-1   1
## 37      RCBIOTABASE-10313-1   1
## 38      RCBIOTABASE-10323-1   1
## 39      RCBIOTABASE-10757-1   3
## 40      RCBIOTABASE-10758-1   3
## 41      RCBIOTABASE-10759-1   1
## 42      RCBIOTABASE-10760-1   2
## 43      RCBIOTABASE-10761-1   1
## 44      RCBIOTABASE-10762-1   3
## 45      RCBIOTABASE-10765-1   1
## 46      RCBIOTABASE-10766-1   2
## 47      RCBIOTABASE-10767-1   1
## 48      RCBIOTABASE-10768-1   1
## 49      RCBIOTABASE-10769-1   3
## 50      RCBIOTABASE-10770-1   1
## 51      RCBIOTABASE-10771-1   2
## 52      RCBIOTABASE-10772-1   1
## 53      RCBIOTABASE-10773-1   2
## 54      RCBIOTABASE-10774-1   2
## 55      RCBIOTABASE-10775-1   1
## 56      RCBIOTABASE-10776-1   2
## 57      RCBIOTABASE-10777-1   2
## 58      RCBIOTABASE-10778-1   1
## 59      RCBIOTABASE-10779-1   2
## 60      RCBIOTABASE-10782-1   2
## 61      RCBIOTABASE-10783-1   1
## 62      RCBIOTABASE-10784-1   3
## 63      RCBIOTABASE-10785-1   2
## 64      RCBIOTABASE-10786-1   2
## 65      RCBIOTABASE-10787-1   2
## 66      RCBIOTABASE-10788-1   3
## 67      RCBIOTABASE-10789-1   1
## 68      RCBIOTABASE-10790-1   2
## 69      RCBIOTABASE-10791-1   1
## 70      RCBIOTABASE-10792-1   2
## 71      RCBIOTABASE-12276-1   1
## 72      RCBIOTABASE-15494-1   1
## 73       RCBIOTABASE-5545-1   2
## 74       RCBIOTABASE-5546-1   1
## 75       RCBIOTABASE-5547-1   1
## 76       RCBIOTABASE-5553-1   2
## 77       RCBIOTABASE-6235-1   1
## 78       RCBIOTABASE-7544-1   1
## 79       RCBIOTABASE-7706-1   1
## 80       RCBIOTABASE-7862-1   1
## 81       RCBIOTABASE-8221-1   1
## 82       RCBIOTABASE-9148-1   2
## 83       RCBIOTABASE-9149-1   1
## 84       RCBIOTABASE-9150-1   2
## 85       RCBIOTABASE-9151-1   2
## 86       RCBIOTABASE-9152-1   2
## 87       RCBIOTABASE-9379-1   1
## 88       RCBIOTABASE-9383-1   1
## 89       RCBIOTABASE-9390-1   1
## 90       RCBIOTABASE-9394-1   1
## 91       RCBIOTABASE-9419-1   1
## 92       RCBIOTABASE-9421-1   1
## 93       RCBIOTABASE-9423-1   1
## 94       RCBIOTABASE-9424-1   1
## 95       RCBIOTABASE-9425-1   1
## 96       RCBIOTABASE-9426-1   1
## 97       RCBIOTABASE-9427-1   1
## 98       RCBIOTABASE-9589-1   2
## 99       RCBIOTABASE-9590-1   2
## 100      RCBIOTABASE-9591-1   1
## 101      RCBIOTABASE-9592-1   1
## 102      RCBIOTABASE-9595-1   2
## 103      RCBIOTABASE-9596-1   1
## 104      RCBIOTABASE-9597-1   2
## 105      RCBIOTABASE-9643-1   1
## 106      RCBIOTABASE-9645-1   1
## 107      RCBIOTABASE-9716-1   1
## 108      RCBIOTABASE-9784-1   1
## 109      RCBIOTABASE-9787-1   1
## 110      RCBIOTABASE-9793-1   1
## 111      RCBIOTABASE-9798-1   1
## 112      RCBIOTABASE-9801-1   2
## 113      RCBIOTABASE-9802-1   1
## 114      RCBIOTABASE-9805-1   1
## 115      RCBIOTABASE-9806-1   1
## 116      RCBIOTABASE-9807-1   1
## 117      RCBIOTABASE-9811-1   2
## 118      RCBIOTABASE-9822-1   1
## 119      RCBIOTABASE-9833-1   1
## 120      RCBIOTABASE-9879-1   1
## 121      RCBIOTABASE-9880-1   1
## 122      RCBIOTABASE-9882-1   1
## 123      RCBIOTABASE-9888-1   1
## 124      RCBIOTABASE-9889-1   1
## 125      RCBIOTABASE-9904-1   1
## 126      RCBIOTABASE-9925-1   1
## 127      RCBIOTABASE-9945-1   1
## 128      RCBIOTABASE-9946-1   1
## 129      RCBIOTABASE-9947-1   2
## 130      RCBIOTABASE-9951-1   1
## 131                    <NA> 176

Lot’s of sampling events too. But some are missing (NA).

Were all species reported?

count(rc, AllSpeciesReported)
##   AllSpeciesReported   n
## 1                 No 176
## 2                Yes 173

Sometimes, but not all the time.

Finally, let’s take a peak at the observations recorded for these three species

ggplot(data = rc, aes(x = CommonName, y = as.numeric(ObservationCount))) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(title = "Number of individuals observed")

ggplot(data = rc, aes(x = CommonName)) +
  geom_bar() +
  labs(title = "Number of sampling events the species was observed")

To better understand these populations, it would be helpful to know not only when these species were observed, but also when they were not.


Because zero-filling requires that all species are reported (how can you know if a species was or was not observed, if it wasn’t reported?), format_zero_fill will return an error if some of the records are not valid.

rc_filled <- format_zero_fill(rc)
## Error: Column 'AllSpeciesReported' must be present and 'Yes'

Therefore, the first thing we need to do is limit our data to only SamplingEventIdentifiers where all species were recorded.

Note that AllSpeciesReported may not always be strictly true, as bird identification events (e.g., Christmas Bird Counts) may report all bird species, but would probably not report all mammalian species, plants, etc. and vice versa.

rc_all_species <- filter(rc, AllSpeciesReported == "Yes")
count(rc_all_species, AllSpeciesReported)
##   AllSpeciesReported   n
## 1                Yes 173

Now we can fill in all species missing from other sampling events.

rc_filled <- format_zero_fill(rc_all_species)
##  - Converted 'fill' column (ObservationCount) from character to numeric
##   SamplingEventIdentifier species_id ObservationCount
## 1     RCBIOTABASE-10008-1     252456                1
## 2     RCBIOTABASE-10008-1     252491                0
## 3     RCBIOTABASE-10008-1     252494                0
## 4     RCBIOTABASE-10015-1     252456                2
## 5     RCBIOTABASE-10015-1     252491                0
## 6     RCBIOTABASE-10015-1     252494                0
ggplot(data = rc_filled, aes(x = factor(species_id), fill = ObservationCount > 0)) +
  geom_bar(position = "dodge") +
  labs(title = "Number of sampling events the species was observed")

It might be more helpful to use common names, but through the process of zero-filling, extra columns have been removed.

Keep other important columns

To keep other columns associated with species id, specify them with the extra_species argument.

rc_filled <- format_zero_fill(rc_all_species, 
                              extra_species = c("CommonName", "ScientificName"))
##  - Converted 'fill' column (ObservationCount) from character to numeric
##   SamplingEventIdentifier species_id ObservationCount        CommonName
## 1     RCBIOTABASE-10008-1     252456                1           Monarch
## 2     RCBIOTABASE-10008-1     252491                0       Red Admiral
## 3     RCBIOTABASE-10008-1     252494                0 Black Swallowtail
## 4     RCBIOTABASE-10015-1     252456                2           Monarch
## 5     RCBIOTABASE-10015-1     252491                0       Red Admiral
## 6     RCBIOTABASE-10015-1     252494                0 Black Swallowtail
##      ScientificName
## 1  Danaus plexippus
## 2  Vanessa atalanta
## 3 Papilio polyxenes
## 4  Danaus plexippus
## 5  Vanessa atalanta
## 6 Papilio polyxenes

To keep other columns associated with the sampling event, specify them, in addition to the sampling event id, in the by argument. By default, SamplingEventIdentifier is used to identify specific sampling events.

rc_filled <- format_zero_fill(rc_all_species, 
                              by = "SamplingEventIdentifier",
                              extra_event = c("latitude", "longitude"),
                              extra_species = c("CommonName", "ScientificName"))
##  - Converted 'fill' column (ObservationCount) from character to numeric
##   SamplingEventIdentifier species_id ObservationCount        CommonName
## 1     RCBIOTABASE-10008-1     252456                1           Monarch
## 2     RCBIOTABASE-10008-1     252491                0       Red Admiral
## 3     RCBIOTABASE-10008-1     252494                0 Black Swallowtail
## 4     RCBIOTABASE-10015-1     252456                2           Monarch
## 5     RCBIOTABASE-10015-1     252491                0       Red Admiral
## 6     RCBIOTABASE-10015-1     252494                0 Black Swallowtail
##      ScientificName latitude longitude
## 1  Danaus plexippus  45.5111 -77.50533
## 2  Vanessa atalanta  45.5111 -77.50533
## 3 Papilio polyxenes  45.5111 -77.50533
## 4  Danaus plexippus  45.5111 -77.50533
## 5  Vanessa atalanta  45.5111 -77.50533
## 6 Papilio polyxenes  45.5111 -77.50533

Zero-filling by other variables

Sampling events aren’t the only way of zero-filling data. Perhaps you’re only interested in whether a species has/has not been observed in a particular location.

rc_loc_filled <- format_zero_fill(rc_all_species, 
                                  by = "utm_square")
##  - Consider summarizing multiple observations per set of 'by' before zero-filling to increase speed
##  - Converted 'fill' column (ObservationCount) from character to numeric
##   utm_square species_id ObservationCount
## 1    18TTR94     252456                1
## 2    18TTR94     252491                0
## 3    18TTR94     252494                0
## 4    18TUR04     252456                1
## 5    18TUR04     252456                1
## 6    18TUR04     252456                1

The message about summarizing multiple observations means that we have multiple observations per utm_square. This example isn’t large enough to be slowed down much, but in larger examples, it can be much faster to simplify the dataset first.

rc_sum <- rc_all_species %>%
  group_by(utm_square, species_id, AllSpeciesReported) %>%
  summarize(ObservationCount = sum(as.numeric(ObservationCount), na.rm = TRUE),
            .groups = "drop")
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
##   utm_square species_id AllSpeciesReported ObservationCount
##   <chr>           <int> <chr>                         <dbl>
## 1 18TTR94        252456 Yes                               1
## 2 18TUR04        252456 Yes                              67
## 3 18TUR04        252491 Yes                              46
## 4 18TUR04        252494 Yes                              22
## 5 18TUR17        252456 Yes                               1
## 6 18TUR27        252491 Yes                               1

Now if we zero-fill this data set, we get a zero-filled, aggregated dataset.

rc_sum_filled <- format_zero_fill(rc_sum, by = "utm_square")
##   utm_square species_id ObservationCount
## 1    18TTR94     252456                1
## 2    18TTR94     252491                0
## 3    18TTR94     252494                0
## 4    18TUR04     252456               67
## 5    18TUR04     252491               46
## 6    18TUR04     252494               22

Filling specific species

Up to now in these examples we’ve been filling all the species present in the data, but often you might be only interested in one or two species. We can specify which species with the species argument.

rc_sp_filled <- format_zero_fill(rc_all_species, species = "252456")
##  - Converted 'fill' column (ObservationCount) from character to numeric
##   SamplingEventIdentifier species_id ObservationCount
## 1     RCBIOTABASE-10008-1     252456                1
## 2     RCBIOTABASE-10015-1     252456                2
## 3     RCBIOTABASE-10030-1     252456                0
## 4     RCBIOTABASE-10068-1     252456                0
## 5     RCBIOTABASE-10070-1     252456                2
## 6     RCBIOTABASE-10087-1     252456                0

Filling other variables

By default format_zero_fill() adds 0’s to the ObservationCount column, but you can specify any column to zero fill.

For example, if you wanted to deal only with Presence/Absence you could create a new presence column and zero-fill this column.

rc_presence <- rc_all_species %>%
  select(species_id, AllSpeciesReported, ObservationCount, SamplingEventIdentifier) %>%
  mutate(presence = if_else(as.numeric(ObservationCount) > 0, TRUE, FALSE))
##   species_id AllSpeciesReported ObservationCount SamplingEventIdentifier
## 1     252456                Yes                6      RCBIOTABASE-5553-1
## 2     252491                Yes                1      RCBIOTABASE-5553-1
## 3     252456                Yes                2      RCBIOTABASE-5547-1
## 4     252456                Yes                1      RCBIOTABASE-5546-1
## 5     252494                Yes                1      RCBIOTABASE-6235-1
## 6     252491                Yes                3      RCBIOTABASE-5545-1
##   presence
## 1     TRUE
## 2     TRUE
## 3     TRUE
## 4     TRUE
## 5     TRUE
## 6     TRUE
rc_presence_filled <- format_zero_fill(rc_presence, fill = "presence")
##  - Converted 'fill' column (presence) from logical to numeric
##   SamplingEventIdentifier species_id presence
## 1     RCBIOTABASE-10008-1     252456        1
## 2     RCBIOTABASE-10008-1     252491        0
## 3     RCBIOTABASE-10008-1     252494        0
## 4     RCBIOTABASE-10015-1     252456        1
## 5     RCBIOTABASE-10015-1     252491        0
## 6     RCBIOTABASE-10015-1     252494        0