In naturecounts, by default default data is downloaded with a specific set of fields/columns. However, for more advanced applications, users may wish to specify which fields/columns to return. The Bird Monitoring Data Exchange (BMDE) schema keeps track of variables used to augment observation data. There are different versions reflecting different collections of variables.

The following examples use the “testuser” user which is not available to you. You can quickly sign up for a free account of your own to access and play around with these examples. Simply replace testuser with your own username.

BMDE versions

There are several ways to get more information about these different field/columns sets.

  1. You can get a list of the different versions with the meta_bmde_versions() function.
## # A tibble: 8 × 3
##   descr                                           shorthand version            
##   <chr>                                           <chr>     <chr>              
## 1 BMDE 1.38                                       NA        BMDE1.38           
## 2 BMDE 2.0                                        core      BMDE2.00           
## 3 BMDE 2.0 (extended list)                        extended  BMDE2.00-ext       
## 4 BMDE 2.0 (minimum)                              minimum   BMDE2.00-min       
## 5 Banding extension to BMDE 2.0                   NA        BMDE-BAND-2.00     
## 6 Monarch Knowledge Network extension to BMDE 2.0 NA        BMDE-MKN-2.00      
## 7 Nest record extension to BMDE 2.0               NA        BMDE-NEST-2.00     
## 8 Nest record extension (visit data) to BMDE 2.0  NA        BMDE-NESTVISIT-2.00
  1. You can get a list of the specific fields/columns included in each version using the meta_bmde_fields() function
meta_bmde_fields(version = "BMDE-BAND-2.00") %>%
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   field_order version        local_name            
##         <int> <chr>          <chr>                 
## 1           1 BMDE-BAND-2.00 GlobalUniqueIdentifier
## 2           2 BMDE-BAND-2.00 DateLastModified      
## 3           3 BMDE-BAND-2.00 BasisOfRecord         
## 4           4 BMDE-BAND-2.00 InstitutionCode       
## 5           5 BMDE-BAND-2.00 CollectionCode        
## 6           6 BMDE-BAND-2.00 CatalogNumber
  1. You can see which BMDE versions are used by different collections by looking at the metadata associated with that collection.
## # A tibble: 6 × 11
##   bmdr_code  bmde_version project_id n_locations collection_name_fr   collection
##   <chr>      <chr>             <int>       <int> <chr>                <chr>     
## 1 ABATLAS1   BMDE2.00           1042        2209 Atlas des oiseaux n… ABATLAS1  
## 2 ABATLAS2   BMDE2.00           1042        5359 Atlas des oiseaux n… ABATLAS2  
## 3 ABBIRDRECS BMDE2.00           1042       21962 Observations d'oise… ABBIRDRECS
## 4 ATBANS     BMDE2.00           1074          74 NA                   ATBANS    
## 5 ATOWLS     BMDE2.00           1011        1848 Inventaire des hibo… ATOWLS    
## 6 BBS        BMDE2.00           1019        5009 Relevés des oiseaux… BBS       
## # ℹ 5 more variables: min_year <int>, max_year <int>, collection_name <chr>,
## #   akn_level <int>, n_records <int>

Specifying fields by version

By default, the BMDE2.00-min or minimum BMDE version is used when downloading data, but you can specify other versions with either the version name, or the shorthand.

cardinals <- nc_data_dl(species = 19360, fields_set = "core", 
                        collection = "ABATLAS2", verbose = FALSE,
                        username = "testuser", info = "nc_vignette")
##   [1] "record_id"                             
##   [2] "collection"                            
##   [3] "project_id"                            
##   [4] "protocol_id"                           
##   [5] "protocol_type"                         
##   [6] "species_id"                            
##   [7] "statprov_code"                         
##   [8] "country_code"                          
##   [9] "SiteCode"                              
##  [10] "latitude"                              
##  [11] "longitude"                             
##  [12] "bcr"                                   
##  [13] "subnational2_code"                     
##  [14] "iba_site"                              
##  [15] "utm_square"                            
##  [16] "survey_year"                           
##  [17] "survey_month"                          
##  [18] "survey_week"                           
##  [19] "survey_day"                            
##  [20] "breeding_rank"                         
##  [21] "GlobalUniqueIdentifier"                
##  [22] "DateLastModified"                      
##  [23] "BasisOfRecord"                         
##  [24] "InstitutionCode"                       
##  [25] "CollectionCode"                        
##  [26] "CatalogNumber"                         
##  [27] "ScientificName"                        
##  [28] "HigherTaxon"                           
##  [29] "Kingdom"                               
##  [30] "Phylum"                                
##  [31] "Class"                                 
##  [32] "OrderTaxon"                            
##  [33] "Family"                                
##  [34] "Genus"                                 
##  [35] "SpecificEpithet"                       
##  [36] "InfraspecificRank"                     
##  [37] "InfraspecificEpithet"                  
##  [38] "ScientificNameAuthor"                  
##  [39] "IdentificationQualifier"               
##  [40] "HigherGeography"                       
##  [41] "Continent"                             
##  [42] "WaterBody"                             
##  [43] "IslandGroup"                           
##  [44] "Island"                                
##  [45] "Country"                               
##  [46] "StateProvince"                         
##  [47] "County"                                
##  [48] "Locality"                              
##  [49] "MinimumElevationInMeters"              
##  [50] "MaximumElevationInMeters"              
##  [51] "MinimumDepthInMeters"                  
##  [52] "MaximumDepthInMeters"                  
##  [53] "DecimalLatitude"                       
##  [54] "DecimalLongitude"                      
##  [55] "GeodeticDatum"                         
##  [56] "CoordinateUncertaintyInMeters"         
##  [57] "YearCollected"                         
##  [58] "MonthCollected"                        
##  [59] "DayCollected"                          
##  [60] "TimeCollected"                         
##  [61] "JulianDay"                             
##  [62] "Collector"                             
##  [63] "Sex"                                   
##  [64] "LifeStage"                             
##  [65] "ImageURL"                              
##  [66] "RelatedInformation"                    
##  [67] "CollectorNumber"                       
##  [68] "FieldNumber"                           
##  [69] "FieldNotes"                            
##  [70] "OriginalCoordinatesSystem"             
##  [71] "LatLongComments"                       
##  [72] "GeoreferenceMethod"                    
##  [73] "GeoreferenceReferences"                
##  [74] "GeoreferenceVerificationStatus"        
##  [75] "Remarks"                               
##  [76] "FootprintWKT"                          
##  [77] "FootprintSRS"                          
##  [78] "ProjectCode"                           
##  [79] "ProtocolType"                          
##  [80] "ProtocolCode"                          
##  [81] "ProtocolSpeciesTargeted"               
##  [82] "ProtocolReference"                     
##  [83] "ProtocolURL"                           
##  [84] "SurveyAreaIdentifier"                  
##  [85] "SurveyAreaSize"                        
##  [86] "SurveyAreaPercentageCovered"           
##  [87] "SurveyAreaShape"                       
##  [88] "SurveyAreaLongAxisLength"              
##  [89] "SurveyAreaShortAxisLength"             
##  [90] "SurveyAreaLongAxisOrientation"         
##  [91] "CoordinatesScope"                      
##  [92] "SamplingEventIdentifier"               
##  [93] "SamplingEventStructure"                
##  [94] "RouteIdentifier"                       
##  [95] "TimeObservationsStarted"               
##  [96] "TimeObservationsEnded"                 
##  [97] "DurationInHours"                       
##  [98] "TimeIntervalStarted"                   
##  [99] "TimeIntervalEnded"                     
## [100] "TimeIntervalsAdditive"                 
## [101] "NumberOfObservers"                     
## [102] "EffortMeasurement1"                    
## [103] "EffortUnits1"                          
## [104] "EffortMeasurement2"                    
## [105] "EffortUnits2"                          
## [106] "EffortMeasurement3"                    
## [107] "EffortUnits3"                          
## [108] "EffortMeasurement4"                    
## [109] "EffortUnits4"                          
## [110] "EffortMeasurement5"                    
## [111] "EffortUnits5"                          
## [112] "EffortMeasurement6"                    
## [113] "EffortUnits6"                          
## [114] "EffortMeasurement7"                    
## [115] "EffortUnits7"                          
## [116] "EffortMeasurement8"                    
## [117] "EffortUnits8"                          
## [118] "EffortMeasurement9"                    
## [119] "EffortUnits9"                          
## [120] "EffortMeasurement10"                   
## [121] "EffortUnits10"                         
## [122] "EffortMeasurement11"                   
## [123] "EffortUnits11"                         
## [124] "EffortMeasurement12"                   
## [125] "EffortUnits12"                         
## [126] "EffortMeasurement13"                   
## [127] "EffortUnits13"                         
## [128] "EffortMeasurement14"                   
## [129] "EffortUnits14"                         
## [130] "EffortMeasurement15"                   
## [131] "EffortUnits15"                         
## [132] "EffortMeasurement16"                   
## [133] "EffortUnits16"                         
## [134] "EffortMeasurement17"                   
## [135] "EffortUnits17"                         
## [136] "EffortMeasurement18"                   
## [137] "EffortUnits18"                         
## [138] "NoObservations"                        
## [139] "DistanceFromObserver"                  
## [140] "DistanceFromObserverMin"               
## [141] "DistanceFromObserverMax"               
## [142] "DistanceFromStart"                     
## [143] "BearingInDegrees"                      
## [144] "SpecimenDecimalLatitude"               
## [145] "SpecimenDecimalLongitude"              
## [146] "SpecimenGeodeticDatum"                 
## [147] "SpecimenUTMZone"                       
## [148] "SpecimenUTMNorthing"                   
## [149] "SpecimenUTMEasting"                    
## [150] "ObservationCount"                      
## [151] "ObservationDescriptor"                 
## [152] "ObservationCount2"                     
## [153] "ObservationDescriptor2"                
## [154] "ObservationCount3"                     
## [155] "ObservationDescriptor3"                
## [156] "ObservationCount4"                     
## [157] "ObservationDescriptor4"                
## [158] "ObservationCount5"                     
## [159] "ObservationDescriptor5"                
## [160] "ObservationCount6"                     
## [161] "ObservationDescriptor6"                
## [162] "ObsCountAtLeast"                       
## [163] "ObsCountAtMost"                        
## [164] "ObservationDate"                       
## [165] "DateUncertaintyInDays"                 
## [166] "AllIndividualsReported"                
## [167] "AllSpeciesReported"                    
## [168] "UTMZone"                               
## [169] "UTMNorthing"                           
## [170] "UTMEasting"                            
## [171] "CoordinatesUncertaintyInDecimalDegrees"
## [172] "CommonName"                            
## [173] "RecordPermissions"                     
## [174] "MultiScientificName1"                  
## [175] "MultiScientificName2"                  
## [176] "MultiScientificName3"                  
## [177] "MultiScientificName4"                  
## [178] "MultiScientificName5"                  
## [179] "MultiScientificName6"                  
## [180] "TaxonomicAuthorityAuthors"             
## [181] "TaxonomicAuthorityVersion"             
## [182] "TaxonomicAuthorityYear"                
## [183] "SpeciesCode"                           
## [184] "TaxonConceptID"                        
## [185] "BreedingBirdAtlasCode"                 
## [186] "HabitatDescription"                    
## [187] "Remarks2"                              
## [188] "LastModifiedAction"                    
## [189] "RecordReviewStatus"

Basic fields

Note that there are extra fields/columns downloaded in every request, which are in addition to the BMDE fields. These are additional, basic, indexed fields used in the database.

You can figure out exactly which fields these are, by removing all the fields from the core BMDE field set.

names(cardinals)[!names(cardinals) %in% meta_bmde_fields(version = "core")$local_name]
##  [1] "record_id"         "collection"        "project_id"       
##  [4] "protocol_id"       "protocol_type"     "species_id"       
##  [7] "statprov_code"     "country_code"      "SiteCode"         
## [10] "latitude"          "longitude"         "bcr"              
## [13] "subnational2_code" "iba_site"          "utm_square"       
## [16] "survey_year"       "survey_month"      "survey_week"      
## [19] "survey_day"        "breeding_rank"

Custom fields

The basic fields will always be included in any data request. However, you can choose which fields/columns to include in addition to these basic fields, by specifying fields_set = custom, and listing all additional fields.

cardinals <- nc_data_dl(species = 19360, fields_set = "custom", 
                        fields = c("Sex", "SamplingEventIdentifier"), 
                        collection = "ABATLAS2", verbose = FALSE,
                        username = "testuser", info = "nc_vignette")
##   record_id collection project_id protocol_id protocol_type species_id
## 1 225121054   ABATLAS2       1048          NA            NA      19360
## 2 225167193   ABATLAS2       1048          NA            NA      19360
## 3 225185535   ABATLAS2       1048          NA            NA      19360
## 4 225185857   ABATLAS2       1048          NA            NA      19360
## 5 225387824   ABATLAS2       1048          NA            NA      19360
## 6 225389502   ABATLAS2       1048          NA            NA      19360
##   statprov_code country_code SiteCode latitude longitude bcr subnational2_code
## 1            AB           CA    12049 53.98632 -111.2793   6          CA.AB.12
## 2            AB           CA    45868 53.34350 -114.0790   6          CA.AB.11
## 3            AB           CA    45940 53.52760 -113.2996  11          CA.AB.11
## 4            AB           CA    45988 53.56476 -113.4267  11          CA.AB.11
## 5            AB           CA    15330 53.95000 -115.1361   6          CA.AB.13
## 6            AB           CA    45851 53.53472 -113.6407  11          CA.AB.11
##   iba_site utm_square survey_year survey_month survey_week survey_day
## 1      N/A    12UVE88        2000            2           3         23
## 2      N/A    11UPV91        2005            5           1          7
## 3      N/A    12UUE43        2005            4           1          4
## 4      N/A    12UUE33        2005            5           2         16
## 5      N/A    11UPV27        2004           12           1          7
## 6      N/A    12UUE23        2005            4           4         26
##   breeding_rank Sex SamplingEventIdentifier
## 1             0  NA                    5863
## 2             0  NA                   92650
## 3             0  NA                   92829
## 4             0  NA                   92900
## 5             0  NA                   11937
## 6             0  NA                   92626

Adding specific fields to a BMDE version

In a more complex example, if you wished to download data with the minimum set of BMDE fields, but including a couple of extra fields, you could combine the core fields with the extras you want, and pass them on as a custom field set.

For example, first collect the minimum field/column names.

my_fields <- meta_bmde_fields(version = "minimum")$local_name
##  [1] "GlobalUniqueIdentifier"  "CatalogNumber"          
##  [3] "Locality"                "TimeCollected"          
##  [5] "CollectorNumber"         "FieldNumber"            
##  [7] "Remarks"                 "ProjectCode"            
##  [9] "ProtocolType"            "ProtocolCode"           
## [11] "ProtocolURL"             "SurveyAreaIdentifier"   
## [13] "SamplingEventIdentifier" "SamplingEventStructure" 
## [15] "RouteIdentifier"         "TimeObservationsStarted"
## [17] "TimeObservationsEnded"   "DurationInHours"        
## [19] "TimeIntervalStarted"     "TimeIntervalEnded"      
## [21] "TimeIntervalsAdditive"   "NumberOfObservers"      
## [23] "NoObservations"          "ObservationCount"       
## [25] "ObservationDescriptor"   "ObservationCount2"      
## [27] "ObservationDescriptor2"  "ObservationCount3"      
## [29] "ObservationDescriptor3"  "ObservationCount4"      
## [31] "ObservationDescriptor4"  "ObservationCount5"      
## [33] "ObservationDescriptor5"  "ObservationCount6"      
## [35] "ObservationDescriptor6"  "AllIndividualsReported" 
## [37] "AllSpeciesReported"

Then add in the extra fields.

my_fields <- c(my_fields, "Sex", "LifeStage")
##  [1] "GlobalUniqueIdentifier"  "CatalogNumber"          
##  [3] "Locality"                "TimeCollected"          
##  [5] "CollectorNumber"         "FieldNumber"            
##  [7] "Remarks"                 "ProjectCode"            
##  [9] "ProtocolType"            "ProtocolCode"           
## [11] "ProtocolURL"             "SurveyAreaIdentifier"   
## [13] "SamplingEventIdentifier" "SamplingEventStructure" 
## [15] "RouteIdentifier"         "TimeObservationsStarted"
## [17] "TimeObservationsEnded"   "DurationInHours"        
## [19] "TimeIntervalStarted"     "TimeIntervalEnded"      
## [21] "TimeIntervalsAdditive"   "NumberOfObservers"      
## [23] "NoObservations"          "ObservationCount"       
## [25] "ObservationDescriptor"   "ObservationCount2"      
## [27] "ObservationDescriptor2"  "ObservationCount3"      
## [29] "ObservationDescriptor3"  "ObservationCount4"      
## [31] "ObservationDescriptor4"  "ObservationCount5"      
## [33] "ObservationDescriptor5"  "ObservationCount6"      
## [35] "ObservationDescriptor6"  "AllIndividualsReported" 
## [37] "AllSpeciesReported"      "Sex"                    
## [39] "LifeStage"

Now download the data.

cardinals <- nc_data_dl(species = 19360, fields_set = "custom", 
                        fields = my_fields, 
                        collection = "ABATLAS2", verbose = FALSE,
                        username = "testuser", info = "nc_vignette")
##   record_id collection project_id protocol_id protocol_type species_id
## 1 225121054   ABATLAS2       1048          NA            NA      19360
## 2 225167193   ABATLAS2       1048          NA            NA      19360
## 3 225185535   ABATLAS2       1048          NA            NA      19360
## 4 225185857   ABATLAS2       1048          NA            NA      19360
## 5 225387824   ABATLAS2       1048          NA            NA      19360
## 6 225389502   ABATLAS2       1048          NA            NA      19360
##   statprov_code country_code SiteCode latitude longitude bcr subnational2_code
## 1            AB           CA    12049 53.98632 -111.2793   6          CA.AB.12
## 2            AB           CA    45868 53.34350 -114.0790   6          CA.AB.11
## 3            AB           CA    45940 53.52760 -113.2996  11          CA.AB.11
## 4            AB           CA    45988 53.56476 -113.4267  11          CA.AB.11
## 5            AB           CA    15330 53.95000 -115.1361   6          CA.AB.13
## 6            AB           CA    45851 53.53472 -113.6407  11          CA.AB.11
##   iba_site utm_square survey_year survey_month survey_week survey_day
## 1      N/A    12UVE88        2000            2           3         23
## 2      N/A    11UPV91        2005            5           1          7
## 3      N/A    12UUE43        2005            4           1          4
## 4      N/A    12UUE33        2005            5           2         16
## 5      N/A    11UPV27        2004           12           1          7
## 6      N/A    12UUE23        2005            4           4         26
##   breeding_rank                GlobalUniqueIdentifier FieldNumber
## 1             0  URN:NatureAlberta:ABATLAS2:5863-NOCA          NA
## 2             0 URN:NatureAlberta:ABATLAS2:92650-NOCA          NA
## 3             0 URN:NatureAlberta:ABATLAS2:92829-NOCA          NA
## 4             0 URN:NatureAlberta:ABATLAS2:92900-NOCA          NA
## 5             0 URN:NatureAlberta:ABATLAS2:11937-NOCA          NA
## 6             0 URN:NatureAlberta:ABATLAS2:92626-NOCA          NA
##   DurationInHours ObservationDescriptor5               Remarks
## 1               8                     NA              uncommon
## 2               3                     NA                  <NA>
## 3               3                     NA Spotted at the feeder
## 4               3                     NA                  <NA>
## 5               3                     NA                  <NA>
## 6               3                     NA                  <NA>
##   ObservationDescriptor6 ObservationDescriptor3 ObservationDescriptor4
## 1                     NA                     NA                     NA
## 2                     NA                     NA                     NA
## 3                     NA                     NA                     NA
## 4                     NA                     NA                     NA
## 5                     NA                     NA                     NA
## 6                     NA                     NA                     NA
##   ObservationDescriptor ProtocolCode ObservationCount ObservationDescriptor2
## 1                    NA           NA                2                     NA
## 2                    NA           NA                1                     NA
## 3                    NA           NA                1                     NA
## 4                    NA           NA                1                     NA
## 5                    NA           NA                1                     NA
## 6                    NA           NA                1                     NA
##   TimeIntervalEnded                      Locality SamplingEventIdentifier
## 1                NA All areas within count circle                    5863
## 2                NA                          PK91                   92650
## 3                NA           Sherwood Park, UQ43                   92829
## 4                NA      50st and Ada blvd., UQ33                   92900
## 5                NA                   Mayerthorpe                   11937
## 6                NA                          UQ23                   92626
##   SurveyAreaIdentifier SamplingEventStructure TimeCollected
## 1                12049                     NA            NA
## 2                45868                     NA            NA
## 3                45940                     NA            NA
## 4                45988                     NA            NA
## 5                15330                     NA            NA
## 6                45851                     NA            NA
##   TimeObservationsEnded TimeObservationsStarted Sex LifeStage CollectorNumber
## 1                    NA                09:00:00  NA        NA            5017
## 2                    NA                06:00:00  NA        NA            4882
## 3                    NA                06:00:00  NA        NA            4882
## 4                    NA                06:00:00  NA        NA           10197
## 5                    NA                06:00:00  NA        NA            6810
## 6                    NA                06:00:00  NA        NA            4882
##   CatalogNumber AllSpeciesReported ProjectCode RouteIdentifier
## 1     5863-NOCA            Unknown    ABATLAS2              NA
## 2    92650-NOCA            Unknown    ABATLAS2              NA
## 3    92829-NOCA            Unknown    ABATLAS2              NA
## 4    92900-NOCA            Unknown    ABATLAS2              NA
## 5    11937-NOCA            Unknown    ABATLAS2              NA
## 6    92626-NOCA            Unknown    ABATLAS2              NA
##   AllIndividualsReported TimeIntervalsAdditive ProtocolURL NumberOfObservers
## 1                     NA                    NA          NA                 0
## 2                     NA                    NA          NA                 1
## 3                     NA                    NA          NA                 1
## 4                     NA                    NA          NA                 1
## 5                     NA                    NA          NA                 0
## 6                     NA                    NA          NA                 1
##   ObservationCount2 ObservationCount6 ObservationCount5            ProtocolType
## 1                NA                NA                NA AT: Breeding Bird Atlas
## 2                NA                NA                NA AT: Breeding Bird Atlas
## 3                NA                NA                NA AT: Breeding Bird Atlas
## 4                NA                NA                NA AT: Breeding Bird Atlas
## 5                NA                NA                NA AT: Breeding Bird Atlas
## 6                NA                NA                NA AT: Breeding Bird Atlas
##   NoObservations ObservationCount4 ObservationCount3 TimeIntervalStarted
## 1             NA                NA                NA                  NA
## 2             NA                NA                NA                  NA
## 3             NA                NA                NA                  NA
## 4             NA                NA                NA                  NA
## 5             NA                NA                NA                  NA
## 6             NA                NA                NA                  NA
