Find species id codes by searching for scientific, English and French species names.

search_species(name = NULL, show = "names", authority = NULL)



Character. The species name to search for


Character. Either "all" or "names" (default). Whether to return all taxonomic information or only a subset with species names


Character. If not NULL (default), return the alphanumeric code associated with avian species for this taxonomic authority.


Data frame of species ids and taxonomic information


species_search() is deprecated in favour of search_species()


# Show all ids
#> # A tibble: 37,391 × 5
#>    species_id scientific_name          english_name      french_name taxon_group
#>         <int> <chr>                    <chr>             <chr>       <chr>      
#>  1          0 N/A                      No observations   Aucune obs… BIRDS      
#>  2         10 Tinamus major            Great Tinamou     Grand Tina… BIRDS      
#>  3         20 Nothocercus bonapartei   Highland Tinamou  Tinamou de… BIRDS      
#>  4         30 Crypturellus soui        Little Tinamou    Tinamou so… BIRDS      
#>  5         40 Crypturellus cinnamomeus Thicket Tinamou   Tinamou ca… BIRDS      
#>  6         50 Crypturellus boucardi    Slaty-breasted T… Tinamou de… BIRDS      
#>  7         60 Crypturellus kerriae     Choco Tinamou     Tinamou de… BIRDS      
#>  8         70 Dendrocygna viduata      White-faced Whis… Dendrocygn… BIRDS      
#>  9         80 Dendrocygna autumnalis   Black-bellied Wh… Dendrocygn… BIRDS      
#> 10         90 Dendrocygna arborea      West Indian Whis… Dendrocygn… BIRDS      
#> # ℹ 37,381 more rows

#> # A tibble: 21 × 5
#>    species_id scientific_name               english_name french_name taxon_group
#>         <int> <chr>                         <chr>        <chr>       <chr>      
#>  1      14270 Poecile carolinensis          Carolina Ch… Mésange de… BIRDS      
#>  2      14280 Poecile atricapillus          Black-cappe… Mésange à … BIRDS      
#>  3      14290 Poecile gambeli               Mountain Ch… Mésange de… BIRDS      
#>  4      14300 Poecile sclateri              Mexican Chi… Mésange gr… BIRDS      
#>  5      14310 Poecile rufescens             Chestnut-ba… Mésange à … BIRDS      
#>  6      14320 Poecile hudsonicus            Boreal Chic… Mésange à … BIRDS      
#>  7      14330 Poecile cinctus               Gray-headed… Mésange la… BIRDS      
#>  8      14388 Paridae sp.                   Chickadee sp Mésange sp. BIRDS      
#>  9      40668 Poecile carolinensis x atric… Carolina x … Hybride Mé… BIRDS      
#> 10      40669 Poecile carolinensis/atricap… Carolina/Bl… Mésange de… BIRDS      
#> # ℹ 11 more rows
search_species("black-capped chickadee")
#> # A tibble: 4 × 5
#>   species_id scientific_name                english_name french_name taxon_group
#>        <int> <chr>                          <chr>        <chr>       <chr>      
#> 1      14280 Poecile atricapillus           Black-cappe… Mésange à … BIRDS      
#> 2      40668 Poecile carolinensis x atrica… Carolina x … Hybride Mé… BIRDS      
#> 3      40669 Poecile carolinensis/atricapi… Carolina/Bl… Mésange de… BIRDS      
#> 4      44466 Poecile atricapillus x Baeolo… Black-cappe… Hybride Mé… BIRDS      

# Add alphanumeric code for BSCDATA authority
search_species("black-capped chickadee", authority = "BSCDATA")
#> # A tibble: 4 × 6
#>   species_id scientific_name        english_name french_name taxon_group BSCDATA
#>        <int> <chr>                  <chr>        <chr>       <chr>       <chr>  
#> 1      14280 Poecile atricapillus   Black-cappe… Mésange à … BIRDS       BCCH   
#> 2      40668 Poecile carolinensis … Carolina x … Hybride Mé… BIRDS       NA     
#> 3      40669 Poecile carolinensis/… Carolina/Bl… Mésange de… BIRDS       NA     
#> 4      44466 Poecile atricapillus … Black-cappe… Hybride Mé… BIRDS       NA     

# Show all taxonomic information
search_species("black-capped chickadee", show = "all")
#> # A tibble: 4 × 17
#>   species_id concept_id     scientific_name species_status added_dt english_name
#>        <int> <chr>          <chr>                    <int> <chr>    <chr>       
#> 1      14280 B1F0CC82E34E4… Poecile atrica…              1 NA       Black-cappe…
#> 2      40668 1B9B3DE6A6DF3… Poecile caroli…              4 NA       Carolina x …
#> 3      40669 F648AB60F9512… Poecile caroli…              2 NA       Carolina/Bl…
#> 4      44466 6D7E1C1DDFBA4… Poecile atrica…              4 NA       Black-cappe…
#> # ℹ 11 more variables: french_name <chr>, phylum <chr>,
#> #   family_french_name <chr>, group_id <dbl>, order_taxon <chr>,
#> #   taxon_group <chr>, sort_order <int>, class <chr>, family_name <chr>,
#> #   concept_source <chr>, family_english_name <chr>

# Using the codes
nc_count(species = 14280)
#> Without a username, using 'show = "all"'
#> Using filters: species (14280)
#> # A tibble: 235 × 4
#>    collection      akn_level access nrecords
#>    <chr>               <int> <chr>     <int>
#>  1 ABATLAS1                5 full       1314
#>  2 ABATLAS2                5 full       3772
#>  3 ABBIRDRECS              5 full       2931
#>  4 BBS                     5 full      39794
#>  5 BBS50-CAN               5 full      53086
#>  6 BBS50-US-EAST           5 full      62460
#>  7 BBS50-US-WEST           5 full      55936
#>  8 BCATLAS1BE_DO           5 full        447
#>  9 BCATLAS1BE_RAW          5 full       3616
#> 10 BCATLAS1BE_SUMM         5 full       1553
#> # ℹ 225 more rows