Download the number of records available for different collections filtered by location (if provided). If authorization is provided, the collections are filtered to only those available to the user (unless using show = "all"). Without authorization all collections are returned.

  collections = NULL,
  project_ids = NULL,
  species = NULL,
  years = NULL,
  doy = NULL,
  region = NULL,
  site_type = NULL,
  show = "available",
  username = NULL,
  timeout = 120,
  verbose = TRUE



Character vector. The collection codes from which to download data. NULL (default) downloads data from all available collections


Character/Numeric vector. The project ids from which to download data. First the collections associated with a project_id are determined, and then data is downloaded for each collection. If both collections and project_ids are supplied, they are combined.


Numeric vector. Numeric species ids (see details)


Numeric vector. The start/end years of data to download. Can use NA for either start or end, or a single value to return data from a single year.


Character/Numeric vector. The start/end day-of-year to download (1-366 or dates that can be converted to day of year). Can use NA for either start or end


List. Named list with one of the following options: country, statprov, subnational2, iba, bcr, utm_squares, bbox. See details


Character vector. The type of site to return (e.g., IBA).


Character. Either "all" or "available". "all" returns counts from all data sources. "available" only returns counts for data available for the username provided. If no username is provided, defaults to "all".


Character vector. Username for If provided, the user will be prompted for a password. If left NULL, only public collections will be returned.


Numeric. Number of seconds before connecting to the server times out.


Logical. Show messages?


Data frame


The akn_level column describes the level of data access for that collection (see descriptions online). The access column describes the accessibility of a collection for a given username (or no access if no username supplied). See the section on Access and request_ids for more details.

NatureCounts account

All public data is available with a username/password (sign up for a free NatureCounts account). However, to access private/semi-public projects/collections you must request access. See the Access and request_ids section for more information.

Species ids (species)

Numeric species id codes can determined from the functions search_species() or search_species_code(). See also the article on species codes for more information.

Day of Year (doy)

The format for day of year (doy) is fairly flexible and can be a whole number between 1 and 366 or anything recognized by lubridate-package's ymd() function. However, it must have the order of year, month, day. Note that year is ignored when converting to day of year, except that it will result in a 1 day offset for leap years.

Regions (region)

Regions are defined by codes reflecting the country, state/province, subnational (level 2), Important Bird Areas (IBA), and Bird Conservation Regions (BCR) (see search_region() for codes). They can also be defined by providing specific UTM squares to download or a bounding box area which specifies the min/max longitude and min/max latitude (bbox). See the article on regional filters for more information.

Access and request_ids

Access to a data collection is either available as "full" or "by request". Use nc_count(username = "USER", show = "all"), to see the accessibility of collections.

"Full" access means that data can be immediately requested directly through the naturecounts R package. "By request" means that a request must be submitted online and approved before the data can be downloaded through naturecounts.

This means that there are two types of data requests: ones made through this naturecounts R package (API requests) and those made through the online Web Request Form (Web requests). Every request (from either method) generates a request_id which identifies the filter set and collections requested. Details of all of requests can be reviewed with the nc_requests() function.

To download data with "full" access, users can either specify filters, or if they are repeating a download, can use the request_id from nc_requests().

Otherwise, if the user doesn't have "full" access, they must supply an approved request_id to the nc_data_dl() function (e.g., nc_data_dl(request_id = 152000, username = "USER")). Use nc_requests() to see request_ids, filters, and approval status.

Requests for "full" access to additional collections can be made online through the Web Request Form by checking the "Full access?" box in Step 2 of the form.

See also


# Count all publicly available records:
# \donttest{
#> Without a username, using 'show = "all"'
#> # A tibble: 440 × 4
#>    collection    akn_level access     nrecords
#>    <chr>             <int> <chr>         <int>
#>  1 ABATLAS1              5 full         123364
#>  2 ABATLAS2              5 full         201357
#>  3 ABBIRDRECS            5 full         357264
#>  4 ATBANS                3 by request      102
#>  5 ATOWLS                4 by request    25268
#>  6 BBS                   5 full        5735895
#>  7 BBS50                 5 full              0
#>  8 BBS50-CAN             5 full        4543180
#>  9 BBS50-US-EAST         5 full       10761296
#> 10 BBS50-US-WEST         5 full       11665251
#> # ℹ 430 more rows
# }

# Count publicly available records for Manitoba, Canada
# \donttest{
nc_count(region = list(statprov = "MB"))
#> Without a username, using 'show = "all"'
#> Using filters: statprov (MB)
#> # A tibble: 103 × 4
#>    collection    akn_level access     nrecords
#>    <chr>             <int> <chr>         <int>
#>  1 ABBIRDRECS            5 full            357
#>  2 BBS                   5 full          86997
#>  3 BBS50-CAN             5 full         493120
#>  4 CBC                   2 no access     20507
#>  5 CMMN-DET-DMBO         2 no access     93013
#>  6 EBIRD-CA-PR           4 by request  3367908
#>  7 EBIRD-CA-SENS         3 by request     4898
#>  8 EBUTTERFLY            5 full            224
#>  9 GBBC                  4 by request    20996
#> 10 GBIF_040C5662         5 full            217
#> # ℹ 93 more rows
# }

# Count all records for all collections user "sample" has access to
if (FALSE) {
nc_count(username = "sample")

# Count records with house finches in Ontario
search_species("house finch")
#> # A tibble: 3 × 5
#>   species_id scientific_name                english_name french_name taxon_group
#>        <int> <chr>                          <chr>        <chr>       <chr>      
#> 1      20350 Haemorhous mexicanus           House Finch  Roselin fa… BIRDS      
#> 2      42255 Haemorhous mexicanus [mexican… House Finch… Roselin fa… BIRDS      
#> 3      42256 Haemorhous mexicanus mcgregori House Finch… Roselin fa… BIRDS      
nc_count(species = 20350, region = list(statprov = "ON"), username = "sample")
#> Using filters: species (20350); statprov (ON)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#>   collection akn_level access nrecords
#>   <chr>          <int> <chr>     <int>
#> 1 SAMPLE1            0 full          8
#> 2 SAMPLE2            0 full         11

# Count all records available in the Christmas Bird Count and Breeding Bird
# Survey collections (regardless of user permissions)
nc_count(collections = c("CBC", "BBS"), show = "all", username = "sample")
#> Using filters: collections (CBC, BBS)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#>   collection akn_level access     nrecords
#>   <chr>          <int> <chr>         <int>
#> 1 BBS                5 by request  5735895
#> 2 CBC                2 no access   7570427